Tuesday, August 26, 2014

August 26, 2014

Hey again!
hey first mom I think I wrote a mass email two week ago!  That had a link to a video! actually, I think I wrote one last week also...?
But this week I wanted to talk a little bit about the importance to perservere!
So often when things go badly we want to give up.  At least I know that there are times that I just want to be in my bed, in Oregon, with my mom at my side letting me cry as much as I want.  But if I could go there whenever I wanted I don´t think that I would ever get anything done!  Life is supposed to be hard, and at times we are supposed to feel rejected, or lonely or lost or that we are in unjust circumstances but it is what we do in these circumstances that makes the difference!  The only thing that truly matters is your relationship with God and when you are in these hard conditions you have the opportunity to truly grow closer to the Lord!  He loves you and he knows you and even when you feel that no one understands or that God isn´t hearing your prayers, I can assure you, Christ understands perfectly and God IS hearing your prayers!  Just keep going!  Keep praying!  Keep becoming better!  Don´t be an object to be acted upon... be something that acts!  A friend sent a saying that I really like about our suffering and difficulties and I wanted to share with you also! "How is it that a loving God would allow us to suffer? I have come to realize that my Savior cares more about my growth than He does about my comfort. One evidence of His love is that He does not spare me from the suffering I need for my development and progression, even when I get mad at Him" We just have to rely on our Savior and trust that he has the power to help us overcome everything that we face in life.  Everything will work out for our good!
Sorry it´s short but was my thought today! 

Love you all!!
Britt (Sister Westover)

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